Poverty doesn’t get the last word.
We do—together.
A child’s future shouldn’t be pre-determined by access to quality health care. We’re on a mission to provide kids with the opportunity to re-write their stories and dream big. Help restore their dignity along the way, and keep stigma from holding them back.

Guatemala is a country rich in vibrant culture and beauty, but poor in access to quality medical care.
Though the country is a farmer’s paradise, most of Guatemala’s resources are exported, leaving locals with only the shell of what is produced. As a result, Guatemalan’s are essentially ‘starving in their own garden,’ causing irreversible damage to their development and future.
This compounded with the lack of access to medical care creates a bleak picture for children’s futures unless we step in.

By the Numbers:
61% of Guatemalans live below the poverty line, with most making less than $1.25 a day.
Guatemala has only 0.6 hospital beds for every 1,000 inhabitants.
Guatemala has the highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the Western Hemisphere.

“Poverty deprives people of their choices, but together we can change that reality and give kids a better future!”
Beverly H. | Shalom Donor

Our medical facility in Guatemala City called the Moore Center is uniquely positioned to meet the needs Guatemalan’s are facing, and we’re doing everything in our power to help as many underprivileged children as possible.
Lack of access to proper nutrition and resources is impacting Guatemala’s most vulnerable: children. We meet their needs by providing healing and hope through quality medical and nutritional care.

Medical Care
Our staff at the Moore Center believe in a holistic approach to helping patients. We not only address their surgical needs, but we take care of their pre and post-operative care as well. Our team of U.S. and Guatemalan-based medical staff proudly work side-by-side to provide the highest quality care possible for our patients.
Nutritional Care
We know that the key to prevention and recovery comes through proper nutrition for our kids. That’s why we offer top-of-the-line nutrition programs for our patients at the Moore Center, along with take-home supplements that are tailored to their specific needs so that each child can grow healthy and strong!
Outreach Missions
Our mission is to help every child in need, and we don’t let distance stop us! Through our outreach missions across Guatemala, whole villages and outlying communities receive general health checkups, dental care, and nutritional supplements to provide short-term relief.

The Moore Center
The Moore (Pediatric Surgery) Center is a state-of-the-art surgical facility in Guatemala City. Within 12,000 square feet, it houses three modern operating rooms, five PACU beds, 20 recovery beds, a nursing station, and a fully stocked pharmacy.
For over a decade, the Moore Center has provided an independent space and organizational structure for visiting surgical teams, local providers, and patients to coordinate operative and perioperative care.
We proudly serve vulnerable children in Guatemala, addressing desperate medical and nutritional needs. With a proven track record of success, we are known as a premier surgical facility in Guatemala City.
The Moore Center is utilized year-round by volunteer medical and surgical teams that provide surgeries across nine different specialties during the course of their one-week trips. These volunteer teams work with our local Guatemalan medical specialists to provide local children thorough pre-screening care, surgical care, and post-op care within our modern surgical facility. By partnering with in-country doctors and nurses for follow-up treatment, every patient is provided with the best possible care.

SINCE 2010
Surgeries performed
Only 1.3%
Surgical complication rate
Medical teams hosted from the U.S.A.

Kamila’s Journey to Healing
Kamila’s life hasn’t been easy. Her family of five was abandoned by her dad when she was just four years old because he couldn’t handle the pressures of having a child with hip dysplasia. Due to COVID-19, Kamila’s stepdad lost his job at the restaurant where he used to wait tables. That was the family’s only source of income, and they were evicted from their home because they couldn't make ends meet.
In spite of these extremely difficult circumstances, there was no barrier little Kamila wouldn’t overcome to get healthy. She is a fighter! Her family made the decision to sell their radio— the only communication they had to the outside world—to get enough funding to travel to The Moore Center so that Kamila could receive her post-operative care.
Now, this 12-year-old straight-A student can walk easily and is no longer being bullied at school!
“Our lives were dramatically changed because she received this free surgery . . . such an unthinkable gift! We are overwhelmed by the help we’ve received. Who would have imagined the Moore Center would make my dream come true for my daughter? We have been more than blessed by God and by the Center!”
Kamila seeing her repaired leg for the first time

Together we can re-write
Guatemala’s future.
Join us in giving children a new hope with access to quality medical care and nutrition.